Smarter Start

A smarter way to building a better relationship with tech - for you and your family.

UScellular® has partnered with the nonprofit Screen Sanity as part of our ongoing commitment to help families build better digital habits. We're looking forward to creating a world where kids are captivated by life, not screens.

Smarter Start ToolKit

Take the pledge with your child to start focusing on healthy digital habits. Download our free kit for conversations and activities that help when introducing your child to a new device.

The Big Picture

Establish family values that guide your online habits.

Device Free Zone

Set up device “where and when” zones for your family.


Use safety nets and establish how to deal with mistakes.

Learner's Permit

A roadmap can help your child move toward full independence.

Time Well Spent

Do all the things you do online while protecting your time offline.

Stay connected to what matters most.

Family Plans for $10/mo.

Our Talk and Text plan keeps things simple.
children with heart See full details.
children with heart

Screen Sanity Parent Night Kit

The Screen Sanity Parent Night Kit, an all-inclusive kit, features a video presentation, discussion questions and printable handouts to host an impactful evening (or morning!) about digital wellness.

Buy Now

1 month free when you use our link

Sign up with Bark to get parental controls that help you keep your kids safe online. Use code USCCARES at checkout.